Thursday, 19 September 2013

15 week pregnancy update!

Well I'm getting boring aren't I! Not much has happened again this week except I thought I was 16 weeks so I was a bit bummed to realise I am only 15 weeks. And then I remembered school holidays start today... Must think of activities to keep Caitlin busy so she doesn't drive me crazy haha!

Week: 15 weeks.. Well so much for the weeks flying. Now I'm going to feel like I'm 16 weeks for 2 weeks in a row!!!

Pregnancy symptoms: I think jelly bean had a growth spurt last night. There was a lot of pulling and stretching. But otherwise, NONE! Can I get a Woop Woop!!

Moody/happy: I'm hap-hap-happy!! Well except for my on edge mood last night due to some annoying children. But otherwise I'm getting so excited about our baby and I'm looking up baby stuff even though I don't know the gender yet. I like to pre plan things so I have a mental list of "what to buy if it's a girl or boy". Oh and I got these amazing flowers this week which just made my week even better!!!!

Maternity clothes: I have 4 maternity tops that I wear but as far as pants go, I'm still squeezing into my size 8 jeans with the help of a hair tie on the button trick :) I'm having trouble finding maternity pants that are long enough and high waisted enough. Otherwise I just wear. leggings. 

Pregnancy cravings: Last night I wanted something to snack on but just couldn't think of what I wanted until this girl on the TV said to this guy, "that line was really cheesy". I shouted cheese at the top of my lungs which got me a really weird looking glare from Tom haha. I then proceeded to eat way to much cheese and felt sick :) And 3 nights ago I really wanted a Mars bar, which as a teen was my favorite food in the world, so Tom kindly went and bought me one. If you find a man who will go out in the middle of the night to buy you food when your craving, he's a keeper!

Total weight gain: 69.7kgs today. No changes!

Sleep: Sleeping soundly still!

Miss anything: I just went through a bunch of clothes and nothing looks good anymore!!! I miss my clothes looking good lol. I will be heading out on a shopping spree very soon I think. 

Looking forward to: Our 16 week doctors appointment!!! I'm going to ask if we can hear jelly beans heart beat as we haven't heard it yet.

The top photo is 15 weeks pregnant with Mary-Jane and the bottom is 15 weeks this pregnancy.  I feel much smaller this time!
Watch my 15 week update here

14 week pregnancy update. Second trimester!!!!!

Not too much has happened this week so this will be just a quick update.

Week: 14 weeks!

Pregnancy symptoms: I've only just realised that I've been having mild headaches every day for the past few weeks. I don’t pay much attention to them, hence why I haven’t noticed them. And I'm peeing so much more now!! It’s incredible.

Moody/happy: I'm so happy to announce that my emotional break downs have stopped!! I do get sad over sad movies and TV shows (and I mean crying at the most ridiculous stuff) but I'm not being all crazy emotional pregnant woman at my loved ones which is great!! I feel so much more normal!

Maternity clothes: No new clothes this week but I have worn the maternity tops that I bought last week a few times. I’m wearing mainly leggings at the moment.

Pregnancy cravings: Nothing since my crazy burrito craving last week. But I am eating quite a lot at the moment.

Total weight gain: This week I am weighing in at 69kgs :) Pretty happy with that.

Sleep: I'm getting great sleep at the moment although I would like more!

Looking forward to: I have a doctor’s appointment in 2 weeks so I'm going to ask him about my headaches and hopefully we will get to hear our baby’s heart beat! Exciting!!

Watch my 14 week pregnancy update here.


Survival guide to your first trimester, tips and tricks!

Here are a few things that helped me through my first trimester!

  •           Eat things like muesli and whole grains that will keep you fuller for longer.
  •          Use toast/bread as a staple as It's quick and easy to make
  •          Use protein shakes as a staple, especially good for morning sickness sufferers
  •          Maxalon, doxylamine and vitamin b6 are just some medications that can be prescribed for morning sickness
  •          Don’t eat foods that are hard to digest
  •          Eat smaller meals
  •          Eat more frequently (I'm eating 3 hourly)
  •          Get rid of all unnecessary smells if you are sensitive to smells. Get your hubby to put his deodorant/aftershave on after he leaves the house!
  •          I'm using bio oil and palmer's cocoa butter for stretch marks
  •          Find a good face wash, toner and moisturiser and make them your best friend, especially if your suffering from hormonal acne
  •          I'm using hydrozole on my acne when it gets really inflamed and itchy. It seems to be helping
  •          Go natural!! Stop washing your hair and stop wearing make-up if you have the chance!! I didn't really leave the house as I was so sick and my hair is looking fab now and my skin is looking so much fresher
  •          Sip water all day. This will keep you full and possibly keep your morning sickness at bay. It will also keep you hydrated and may prevent headaches
My main problem through my first trimester was morning sickness. You just have to work out what's best for you and the quicker you do this, the more enjoyable your first trimester will be. I never fully worked out how to stop my morning sickness but I managed to limit the sickness to night time using the methods I mentioned above. I hope that some of the methods I've suggested help you! Wishing you all a happy and safe pregnancy.

Watch my survival guide video here.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

13 week pregnancy update!

I'm writing to you on Sunday night. Sorry I'm so late getting this up but it has been one crazy/fun weekend! The kids went to their grandparents for the weekend so we just jam packed it with romantic and fun things to do. I have to say it was one of the best weekends I've had and I definitely recommend to everyone to have a weekend like this with your partner once in a while. We've been like high school kids falling in love all over again :) Friday night we dropped the kids off and then headed out for the burritos I was so dying for all week. 

After, we wandered around the shops for a bit until Tom insisted I get a massage while he went "looking at stuff" (wink wink). I didn't mind because the massage was amazing!! Then we went and saw "We are the Millers".  Unfortunately it wasn't the best movie we've seen lately (The Heat was amazingly hysterical), but it had its moments. Saturday we went antiquing which was alot of fun as I haven't been many times and I loved learning the history of all the different item's. 

I recommend this as a fun, free thing to do on the weekend. Tom managed to hurt his back so we spent the rest of the day playing old school Mario brothers on the original Nintendo. I kicked his butt hehe. 

We then spent about an hour deciding on where we wanted to go for dinner. I reckon I Googled just about every menu in the country. The choice ended up being a great one and we both really enjoyed it. 

It was nice to just sit and chat about the things you forget to share with each other about your week. Kids are very distracting!! I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant or If I'm just getting old but we decided to hire some movies and spend the rest of the night on the couch. I was so pooped! And then today (Sunday) we headed to the Caribbean market were I got myself some sunnies after looking at almost every stall. I was surprised we didn't come out with our arms full of goodies, there is so much to see there. I was advised not to eat there so we went to a local restaurant for lunch. After stuffing our faces we ended up at the local shopping Centre where we walked around aimlessly for a few hours until my feet nearly feel off. 

He's really hoping we have a boy so he has an excuse to play with toy trucks!
I definitely felt pregnant today. But as I said it was a great weekend so it was well worth it. So anyway onto my 13th week of pregnancy!!!

Week: 13 weeks

It's another selfie! Lol.
Pregnancy symptoms: Almost none! I am feeling the slightest bit nauseous at night but nothing serious. I have been experiencing alot of headaches too which is strange. They feel like I've strained my neck or something. 

Moody/happy: After the weekend I've just had I'm over the moon happy!! But all in all my emotions have seemed to settle down.

  Maternity clothes: Yes!! I bought myself 2 new tops. One t-shirt with navy blue and white stripes and one 3/4 sleeved top with white and burgundy stripes. Yep, I like stripes haha. I've already worn both and I love them.

 Pregnancy cravings: Well the only craving I had this week was for burritos (Thanks to daily bumps video) and it was the most intense craving ever. My amazing man drove me an hour away just to get one Friday night. That's real love :)

Total weight gain: Weighing in at 70kgs after a weekend full of food! I'm pretty happy with that.

Sleep: I'm so lucky, I'm sleeping like a baby. Not that babies sleep.. Mary-Jane sleeps 12 hours straight though. So I'm sleeping like Mary-Jane.

Looking forward to: A catch up with my best friend tomorrow night. We're having a scary movie marathon!

Watch my 13 week pregnancy update here