Friday, 30 August 2013

12 week pregnancy update!

These 2 week has flown past. You really notice these things when your doing weekly bump updates. I feel like my last one was 2 days ago! Sorry I didn't get to update last week. I explain all that in my vlog but basically the whole family had been sick/injured.

Week: 12 weeks

Another dodgy selfie! I'm so sorry, I know I promised but Tom's been working alot and I always forget when he's home. 

Pregnancy symptoms: My morning sickness is gone!!! Completely! I'm so greatful. Although I'm incredibly sick with a bad case of tonsillitis but I would rather that any day. I have TERRIBLE hormonal acne but if I wash tone and moisturise every day, it seems to really help. I've never had pimples this bad in my life!

Moody/happy: I'm still having my up and down times of being emotional. Today is a nice sunny day and I don't feel sick so I'm feeling happy atm. But in general I've put myself under alot of stress which I'm hoping I can just let go because stressing fixes nothing, right?

Maternity clothes: I'm thinking I need some new leggings. The ones from my last pregnancy are all stretched and yuck. I don't feel as big and bloated as I have been previous weeks so I've stuck to my regular jeans this week, but I know how quickly that will change haha!

Pregnancy cravings: Besides wanting KFC one day this week, I haven't really been craving anything. AND there has been chocolate in the cupboard all week and I just haven't felt like it. The sore throat is a big contribution to that i think. When i eat though, it's things like sandwiches and food's you would eat for dinner. I'm just not wanting the sweet stuff. I must be sweet enough already ;p

Total weight gain: I just weighed myself then as I was typing this and got a huge shock. I'm down to 67.5kgs. When my doctor saw me the other day he said I had lost weight but he didn't seem too worried. I haven't weighed this little since I can remember. Once I'm feeling better I'm sure I will gain it back.

Sleep: I've still had no trouble with sleep which is nice.

Worst moment this week: Mary-Jane had a horrible temperature last week so we went to the doctor and the poor baby had tonsillitis. Then Caitlin came down with a virus that had her vomiting every where. And now I have tonsillitis. We can't win!

Best moment this week: Seeing our baby. It was so precious. I didn't get to hear the heart beating but I got to see it and our babies cute little face. I've already printed off a bunch of photos haha.

Little jelly bean at 12 weeks!

Looking forward to: Well I guess now morning sickness has gone and we've had our 12 week scan, I'm looking forward to our 20 week gender scan. And hoping the emotional roller coaster doesn't last the whole pregnancy!

Watch my 12 week pregnancy update here.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Baby kicks??

I wasn't going to bother saying anything but Saturday afternoon I felt a jolt in my stomach after playing around with my belly. I thought for sure it must have just been gas moving around. You don't feel kicks at 10 weeks right?? But... Sunday I was massaging my belly again while talking to Tom and I got another jolt. I took my hands off and as I was explaining what had happened to Tom, kick, it happened again!! I wasn't even touching this time. We both just looked at each other and had a huge smile. It was such a beautiful moment. 

I'm still not positive that it was kicks but being my 3rd baby and feeling my last at 12 weeks, it's a very exciting possibility!!


Friday, 16 August 2013

10 weeks pregnancy update!!

My morning sickness is starting to slow down now. I was feeling sick almost all day every day but now it's only the arvos ranging from 3pm-6pm. I usually stay up as long as I can so I have some alone time alone with Tom (around 9pm) but by then I feel awful and absolutely have to go to bed!!! Fingers crossed its going away! Not much else is happening. I'm starting to clean out my house. After being so sick over the last month, it's become what some may call "a tip" which isn't just going to be resolved with spray and wipe. I would take a photo but I'm too embarrassed!! So when ever Mary-Jane is down for a nap, I get stuck into it. Unfortunately when your pregnant your energy is no where near normal so after 10 minutes my heart starts to race and I become really light headed. I'm still trying though...

Sorry for taking another selfie. I promise I'll make Tom take the next one. 

Week: 10 weeks!

Pregnancy symptoms: I still get nauseous but only at night now! Now that I'm not nauseous all day, I have noticed a lack of energy. As I just said I'm getting light headed too.

Moody/happy: The last few days I've been feeling very emotional. I cry so easily!! I'm still putting this down to the 10 week spike in hormone and hoping it goes away very soon!

Maternity clothing: I bought a size xs pair of maternity jeans when I found out I was pregnant off the Internet. There fairly tight but I fit into them atm so I decided to wear them yesterday. Since my belly has popped out, wearing my usual high wasted jeans is fairly uncomfortable. I'm thinking of getting a belly band.

Pregnancy cravings: Funny story. Yesterday I was dying for pasta. I've grown up with spaghetti bolognese being the only pasta our family ate (unless out for dinner). So I wanted to try making a creamy mushroom pasta seeing as I was having a GIANT craving for cooked mushroom. I got my ingredients remembering that I had some evaporated milk in the pantry which was what the recipe used instead of cream. But when I got home I realized it was sweetened condensed milk. I looked up the Differences and good old Google said it's pretty much the same thing. So I go ahead and make it up. It looks delishes and by now I'm getting really excited but I decided to try it before I added all the pasta. OH MY GOODNESS!!! It's like dessert mixed with dinner. I totally forgot how sweet sweetened condensed milk is.. I ended up mixing a jar of pasta sauce with the pasta and we had to eat that lol. Worst disaster ever and I was so disapointed :(

Total weight gain: Still the same. 69-70kgs

Miss anything: I still miss not feeling sick, although it's not too bad now. I also miss spending family time together. I'm usually sick by the time Tom gets home and on weekends I spend a lot of time resting. I'd like to get back into family activities on weekends.

Looking forward to: Still just our 12 week scan and not feeling sick at all!!

Well I'm off for my dreaded 10 week blood test so I'll talk to you all later!!

Watch my 10 week pregnancy update here.

Monday, 12 August 2013

I'm pregnant!! 9 weeks 4 days. Baby #3

I am so excited to announce to the blogging world that were expecting baby #3 on March 14th 2014. With any luck he/she will be here before April lol! I'm known to go over due. I found out at week 4 but then was told I was a week behind so I've known now for 6 1/2 weeks! Time has flown though. Except those few weeks I spent on the couch day in day out. I've been incredibly sick, although I haven't been throwing up. The doctor has put me on a new medication which has seemed to help a lot. Tom has been so so helpful over the past 6 weeks, looking after the kids and the house when I haven't been able to so I owe a BIG thank you to him! I love him Lots :)

Sorry for the dodgy selfie!! I wanted to submit this post and didn't want to wait until Tom got home!!
Week: 9 weeks 4 days

Pregnancy symptoms: NAUSEA!! I have been so sick :( I also have pregnancy acne which I've never had before.  My belly has popped out this week. Bleeding gums when I brush my teeth. Completely turned off garlic which is something I usually love. The smell makes me want to throw up. Sleeping a lot although that is easing up a little. And my boobs have grown half-full cup size. Can't say I'm complaining about that :p

Moody/ happy: Although were stoked to be having another baby, I'm extremely moody. It seems like anything my eldest (Caitlin) says, irritates me something shocking. My fuse is becoming increasingly short! I put that down to the 10 week spike in hormones!! Sorry family!!

Maternity clothes: Sad to say but I am now wearing a maternity bra. I don't wear it all the time, I do swap between my normal bras. The Maternity bra is mainly when I'm not leaving the house. I don't like to go bra-less so I've opted for the maternity bra.

Pregnancy cravings: I just randomly crave things and then need to eat them. I've been so sick lately that if I crave something and then eat something else, I automatically feel ill. It's mainly been for KFC or eggs on toast.

Total weight gain: Well I started at 68kgs then within 2 weeks (6 weeks pregnant) I was 70kgs. By 8 weeks pregnant I was 68kgs again. My current weight is between 69kgs-70kgs. I might mention that im 5 foot 10-11inch. Or 178cms tall.

Sleep: I'm sleeping alot. In bed around 9pm and up around 7-8am with no disturbances (thanks MJ!) I do get sleepy during the day but MJ naps in the morning so I don't get to have a nap :(

Miss anything: I miss not being sick and I miss my house being tidy. I try to clean it but either exhaustion or nausea hit me. Tom has mainly been cleaning up but he also works so it's really just a clean up of things we really need.

Looking forward to: I have my 12 week scan in 2 weeks so I'm very excited for that. We had a scan at 6 weeks to determine if I was having an ectopic, which is where I found out I was only 5 weeks (apparently I implant late). Everything was fine! Then another at 8 weeks to check the due date was right, which is where we saw our little jelly beans heart beating :) So I'm so excited for our 12 week because we will get to see our jelly beans face for the first time!!!!

Well that's about all the updates I can give you at the moment. I will do another short one on Friday (10 weeks) and then one every Friday from then on. I wont be uploading a video log for this week as I will be doing one in 3 days for my 10 week update and I've tried to record one 5 times now and having the worst luck ever so I gave up!!! I hope your all enjoying your week :)
